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Indian Medical Association
Headquarters, New Delhi
State Presidents, Secretary & Office Bearers Meet
27/28 January 2023

New Delhi: State Presidents, Secretary & Office Bearers Meeting was held at IMA Headquarters, New Delhi on 27th & 28th January 2023. More than 100 IMA leaders across the country including State Presidents & Secretaries with office bearers attended the meet.

Past National Presidents addressed the meet and guided all on various topics including Family Medicine, Leadership , Family Welfare Scheme, Healthcare Violence, Mixopathy , Updates of IMA Issues, GST etc. MSN and JDN facets of IMA too were addressed. Expected Role of IMA in Elimination of Tuberculosis was addressed by DDG, Central TB Division (CTD). Membership Data/Drive were represented to the house.

Medical Education Standards – Role of NMC, Team Building, Strengths of IMA, Save the Girl Child, NEXT, BOND Issue, Quackery, Antibiotic Resistance were discussed.

Workshop of Further Strategies on Violence, Mixopathy, NEXT, Bond, NOCs (Pollution, Fire & CEA) was held on day 2 of the meet.

National President Dr. Sharad Agrawal enumerated issues and guided all leaders about way forward in respect of functioning. He stressed upon the need to stop social media use for meager projection. Instead he advised to utilize social media for propagation of Indian Medical Association and it’s work. Hon. Secretary General Dr. Anil Nayak stressed upon the need to increase membership and rendering every possible health to members of IMA. President-Elect Dr. R. V. Asokan mentioned the need for collective work. He stressed upon the IMA views on Quality, Safety in healthcare along with accessibility, affordability and accountability in healthcare delivery system.

National President Dr. Sharad Agrawal echoed the importance of the IMA HQ theme “One for All & All for One” and expressed his vision to unite the entire healthcare fraternity under wings of the mother organization, Indian Medical Association. (Press Release).