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An open letter to the Zonal Head II of J & K Bank

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the inhabitants of village yungoora that we want to draw your kind attention to the existing problem regarding the current Bank unit situated near Jamia Masjid Rangwar in Yungoora Lar Ganderbal. This unit is working under the aegis of Jammu & Kashmir Bank. For the last three years we have been facing persistent problem due to inefficient service of our Banking unit to its customers. In this technology era almost all are very well aware about the banking system and the undertakings which they carry out for providing number of services to the people who are largely associated with them in any kind of affair. When we talk about our local bank unit we feel ashamed to mention its daily services. It is de facto that effective service is possible when it has required number of staff members and good transactions that can easily perform banking activities to cater services in short time. Now, I would directly like to mention the problems. Firstly, it has dearth of staff members and limited scale of transactions taking place at the unit. The scale of transaction is only Rs. 20000 in terms of Debit and Credit which is very little amount. Secondly, we are unable to open our bank accounts. These two problems we have been suffering for last three years. The current population of this village divided into two Halqas A and B is above 8000 consists of 1200 households according to the official figures of the Panchayat. From this, we surmise that the Bank services should be at par to easily cope with the magnitude of population along with other factors like occupations of people, monthly Incomes, Business persons etc. This is very awkward and unusual idiosyncrasy of the authorized persons who are not turning their heads towards it. While in case of emergency we have to travel 3kms bare foot to Barsoo Bank Branch for accomplishing bank related activities. We are eyewitness that above 55 aged persons taking their children to open accounts at Barsoo bank branch for applying scholarships and other requisite formalities when they know about the local Bank unit’s condition and facilities. We are all worried about this problem which has entangled and put us in quagmire only owing to the negligence of the concerned authorities. The allotted building for it is well constructed and good in all its physical conditions and required facilities therein which should have to have for setting out such units.

We humbly request to you that the above mentioned problems should be seriously addressed in less time so that we could not suffer in the future. We demand to increase the transaction scale up to 100000 rupees and also increase two more staff members to facilitate the service much better at our Bank Unit. Indeed, this collectively would furnish effective and timely services to the locals.

We humbly request to you that the above mentioned problems should be seriously addressed in less time so that we could not suffer in the future. We demand to increase the transaction scale up to 100000 rupees and also increase two more staff members to facilitate the service much better at our Bank Unit. Indeed, this collectively would furnish effective and timely services to the locals.

Thanking you in anticipation,
Mudasir Ahmad Ahanger.